Hey everyone! How was your weekend? Ours was alright. Not very productive. Saturday was pretty much lost with my husband gone most of the day. Once he got home I went grocery shopping - alone! That was pretty much it. Oh well, hopefully this week will be more productive and I'll actually get to see my husband more....I can dream, right? Yeah unfortunately his busy season is still not done yet. I suspect it never really is.
Today I'm over at Love to Be in the Kitchen guest posting. So I'll let you hop on over there and discover what I'm sharing.
Here I'll just leave you with a few pictures. A couple weeks ago I went on a garden tour of The Prudent Homemaker's garden. It was amazing to say the least. She is able to grow soooo much wonderful fresh food for her family back here - and in Vegas no less! That alone is an accomplishment.
She has tons of fruit trees too - that's what I would like to do to our backyard, get lots of fruit trees growing back there.
And she has the coolest homemade merry-go-round and swing set for her kids to play on.
Anyway, I learned a lot. We're not quite ready to do our own garden yet - there are still tons of things on the to do list before that, plus it's already too hot to plant. I really loved all the ideas it gave me though.
So, yeah, check out the recipe I'm sharing over at Love to Be in the Kitchen! You won't regret it, it's one of my favorites for summer!
Awesome pictures. It was so great getting to meet you in person there too! I serious want her swing set and merry go round. Too fun! Heading over to see your guest post:>