This week is crazy. I enjoyed Monday to the fullest with my hubby and boys and now the madness begins. I don’t know how you moms with kids in sports/activities do it. Mine aren’t in any activites, but between me and my husband this week, we have something going EVERY night this week. Ahhh!
Anyway, last week, before the crazy, I worked on my sewing to-do list. This one has also been on my list for 2 years. haha. Do you all know Shade Clothing? Great clothes, love their stuff. Well, I got a bunch of shirts on super mega clearance a while back with the intention of ruching the side for a maternity shirt.
Pre-Pinterest I saw a tutorial on this, don’t know where it is now since I didn’t Pin It, but it’s super easy.
Take a long shirt
and 1/4” elastic. Turn the shirt inside out and along the inside seam, line up the elastic and begin to sew. Sew with a zigzag stitch and once the elastic is secured, after the first couple stitches, begin to stretch the elastic as you sew.
You might have to use one hand to help it feed through, but the more you stretch the elastic, the scrunch-ier it will be.
Pretty easy, don’t know why the easy projects usually take me the longest to complete!
Baby bump @24 weeks!
Hope your week is going great! If I can manage to feed my family most nights this week, I'll be super happy.