So you may have noticed there are some changes going on here. I felt like the blog needed a bit of a makeover and I've figured out how to fix my pictures quota problem so I'm working on that too.
I totally had a brilliant idea the other day, why not make baby food in the crockpot?? Ben was out of veggies and I had sweet potatoes, but I had no desire to turn the oven on to bake them when it was already 85 degrees in the house. Crockpot!
First I lined it with tin foil
(sorry about the atrocious pictures, my camera went missing)
Then I peeled and cut the sweet potatoes into smaller chunks.
Then I put it on high for 3 hours and went about my merry way!
When they were done, I popped them into the blender
Added the liquid that was left behind in the crockpot, plus a little more.
Then blend. It was that easy. I'm most definitely going to look into doing make more foods this way, it was soooo nice not to have to heat up the house!