Have you ever had one of those projects that just drags on FOR-E-VER? Yeah, this has been mine. My dad and I started building this washer and dryer stand so long ago that I’m ashamed to admit exactly how long it’s been. haha.
I wanted to build this washer dryer stand for a couple reasons. One my laundry room is in the worst place ever, just inside the door to the garage. It’s nothing more than a hallway with a room for a washer and dryer. Super inconvenient.
Two, the front loading washer and dryer are great but bending over to change the laundry was hurting. For some reason the builder of our house decided to reverse the normal position of the washer/dryer with the washer on the right. I was able to change the way the dryer door opens but the washer door can’t be switched. So I would have to bend over to empty the washer then either pick up or slide the basket around the door to get to the dryer.
My dad and I set out to build this stand so I would have a place to put my laundry baskets when not in use and so I wouldn’t have to bend over so much when doing laundry. We got the plans from Knock Off Wood and modified them slightly to fit the space in my laundry room and my laundry baskets.
Once the stand was built, I painted it white with some latex we had on hand. As a bonus, the previous owner of this house had left some extra vinyl in the garage. I thought it would make the stand easier to clean and protect it from water if there ever was a leak. So I measured it out and cut it to size with a utility knife.
I’d never laid vinyl flooring before, but it wasn’t too hard. Just spread on the glue and let it sit for a little bit. Put the vinyl on and roll out the bubbles.
I didn’t have a vinyl roller so I used my rolling pin (wrapped in plastic). haha!
From there it was pretty much done. It sat in the garage for a long time waiting to get installed. My husband doesn’t like to ask for help so I woke up from a nap one Saturday to find him in the laundry room with the stand in place and trying to lift the washer and dryer up into place. Crazy man! Luckily a friend happened to pull up (for another reason) at that exact moment and helped out. Good thing too because by then I was pretty pregnant.
Once the stand was in place I finished it off with some corner molding and finish nails.
And I finally filled the holes and painted!
I’m really happy with how it turned out. And for any of you wanting to build one, do it. Just because it took me forever doesn’t mean it was hard. It was actually a pretty simple build. I just needed help doing heavy lifting and building during my pregnancy so it only got worked on here and there. Hope that helps!
I have the same problem! Want to come over to my apartment and make this? jk