Friday, May 4, 2012

Mother's Day Birthstone Necklace


Mom, if you're reading this, STOP NOW! Thanks :-D

If you're not my mom, keep reading for a super cute Mother's day gift idea.

I found this inspiration on Pinterest several weeks ago and knew I wanted to make this for my mom for mother's day.

The great thing is they are super simple and take about 20 minutes or less.

Sarah Ortega, gives a great tutorial on how to make this necklace. Here is how I made mine, which is pretty much the same. I used birthstone beads for each of the grand kids in the necklace above.

Start by threading the beads on the wire

Tuck the end of the wire around the last bead

Then slide the rest of the beads back down to cover the end (sorry for the blurry photo, darn camera)

Next arrange them in a group how you'd like

Begin wrapping the wire around in a circle and start forming your nest

Then wrap around the edge a couple times if you like this look

With or without the wrapped edges

There you go, a super cute and super easy gift for your mom, grandma, sister, friend, yourself :-D
Happy Mother's Day!


  1. This would be a perfect gift for my best friend, who is due with her 3rd child in July. Thank you so much for sharing!!

    I would love it if you would link up at Watch Out, Martha!’s first link up party: Martha Mondays, going on now through Wednesday! Hope to see you there!

  2. That's a great necklace. Thanks for taking the time to put up a tutorial.

  3. What a great idea! My mom is all about the personalized stuff, especially with birthstones. She would love this! I featured you today on Show Off Saturday!

  4. Great tutorial. Thanks for posting it.
    Birthstones Guide

  5. These are really sweet. What a lovely idea: birthstones. So personal!!!!! I made something a bit similar (a nest with beads) with gold(-plated) wire and fresh water pearls and it too turned out lovely. Thank you for sharing the how-to with us, and thank you for linking it up at the Fine Craft Guild's Linky Party today!

    1. Thanks Rose, I'm so glad you liked it. Have a great weekend!

  6. I bet your mom loved this gift! They are beautiful.

    I would be so thrilled if you could share this post at my weekly Say G'Day Saturday linky party-it has just started. I'm also inviting Pinning Bloggers to join my Mother's Day group board on Pinterest so if you are interested please stop by my blog for details.

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

    1. Thank you Natasha for the invite, I have linked it up to your party and will be emailing you about the Pinterest group, thanks!

  7. I love this idea! I think it would be easy enough for my daughter to attempt. She loves this kind of stuff.

    Thank You,

    1. That would be so cute to have your daughter make one! It is pretty simple I think she'd love it!

  8. So lovely!!! Love all! Thanks so much for sharing the great tutorial!
    Have a fabulous week!
    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

    1. Thanks Ana, hope you're having a fabulous week also! I bet your weather in Portugal is beautiful this time of year!

  9. These are such a cute idea, but my mom has 14 kids! I think the next would have to be massive or the eggs would be escaping the nest :) Thankfully my MIL only has 3!

    1. Yeah, might not work for your mom. :D Maybe you could do her and your dad's birthstones and maybe another favorite. Anyway, thanks for your comment. Hope you're having a great week!

    2. For multiple kids (or grandkids) how about making multiple nests and putting each one in a separate link of a link chain! For 14 kids you could make one nest of 2 beads and 4 nests of 3 beads. Put the 2 beads in the center of the chain and place 2 of the 3 bead nests on either side of the center nest. I think this would look great, really show off a lovely large family!

    3. Ooooh I love that idea! That is so creative, thank you for sharing!

  10. Very pretty! This reminds me of the bird nest pendant. I've been planning on making one just haven't gotten around to it yet. I'm not sure where I saved the tutorial at. So I'm pinning your's before I forget. So I will have it for later. Thanks for sharing your tutorial.


    1. Thanks for Pinning, Linda. I hope you like yours as much as I do mine. Now that I'm a mom, I love birthstone jewelry because it has so much more meaning. :D

  11. These little necklaces are gorgeous and look so simple! Thanks for sharing them over at Whatever Goes Wednesday!

    1. Thanks Miranda. I'm glad you like them and thank you for hosting each week!

  12. I love it! And I love how easy it appears to be! I can totally do this! (Can you tell I'm excited?) Thank you for sharing this idea. I make other jewelry already, and I will definitely be incorporating this in some way, shape, or form.
    Have a great weekend!

    1. I'm so glad you like it! I love the picture you shared on Instagram/Twitter. The buttons are super cute, way to make it your own!

  13. This is adorable! I will definitely have to keep this in mind for future gifts. Stopping by from Hoybycrafts

    1. Thanks Shannon, it is super quick and easy to make and definitely a special and meaningful piece!

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. love this!! and looks so easy to make!! pinned this!!

    would love for you to share this on my link party Serenity Saturday

    Natasha xx

    1. Thanks for the pin Natasha. It is super easy. I am adding your party to my list and I'll be back on Saturday to share this and a couple other crafts, thank you for the invite!

  16. Love this idea, how pretty and what a thoughtful gift. Thanks so much for joining Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

    1. Thanks Marty, I made one for myself too and it's one of my favorites!

  17. So pretty!

    I've featured this in my Mother's Day round up on Empty Your Archive, Alice x

    1. Thank you Alice! I'm honored, I'm so glad you like the necklace!

  18. Alex,
    I love this idea!!! I think I will make one for my mom too!
    I am Featuring your post this week on Thrifty Thursday! Hope you'll continue to join us!
    Xo, Jessica

    1. Awesome, let me know how she likes it! I love mine. Thanks for featuring my necklace!


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