Well I have been working on a bunch of things lately. Mostly the house and it's coming together nicely. We just finished painting the master bedroom so I finally get to move stuff in and arrange it all. I know I owe you some pictures of the downstairs now that it's done too.It's nothing fancy. Just home.
The other project I've been working on has been on going for a while now.
Yep that's right. Cub #2 is on it's way. Actually almost half way here. I don't know what took me so long to post the news but I'm 20 weeks along and feeling good. I get really tired but seriously who doesn't when they're moving into a new house, unpacking, and cleaning up after a little guy.
So here I am last week.
We go in tomorrow for the 20 week ultrasound, but we are going to be surprised as far as gender goes (my husband's idea). Which is really going to kill me since there are so many things I'd love to make if it's a girl and how do you decorate a nursery when you don't know the gender? I'm finding some ideas, but you pretty much need to make everything because anything in the store is so gender specific.
Anyway, that's what I've been working on lately. I'm also going to do a couple maternity refashions soon. I'm just finishing getting my sewing table all set up in our room.
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