Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A quick and easy project - Kid's Car pillow

I actually did this one last week, but I'm just now getting around to telling you about it. So a couple weeks ago I went and found a "big boy" car seat for my son. I got it installed a early last week, but realized that even though it was reclined all the way for rear-facing, his poor head still drooped when he fell asleep. Luckily the blog world has a remedy for almost every crafting itch. I found this great tutorial at Make It and Love It for a neck pillow (click here). It was so quick and easy and I had everything on hand. The fabric was a remnant from Joann's and the stuffing was from that lion I gutted a while back.

It turned out great and the little guys loves it, playing with it at least. He puts it on and pulls it off like it's a necklace.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Glider Recovered...

 I've had the material for about two weeks, but kinda dreaded recovering my glider. Once I jumped into it though, it took off and I was done before I knew it.

I started with the upright cushion for your back. I laid out my fabric, left about 2 inches for the sides and seam allowance. I cut out a piece, flipped it over and cut out the second piece.

Next I started pinning the fabric with wrong sides out around the cushion itself. I did this because I wanted a nice snug fit. To get the cushion out I folded the cushion in half and pulled it out. On a stiffer cushion, this can be a bit more difficult. 

I sewed the fabric together and then had to cover the straps that secure the cushion to the chair. 

I marked where to open a hole for the strap

I quickly made a tube out of scrap fabric that would fit around the strap and it turned out the perfect size. I slipped the strap in the tube once it was turned right side out.

I opened up the fabric with a seam ripper and scissors where the snap is.

I actually sewed this strap back onto the original cushion and not the cover because I wanted it to be more secure.

After opening holes for the straps to come through, slipping the cover on and sewing the holes closed around the strap, the last step is to close the bottom. I just folded the excess in and sewed it together.

I followed about the same process for the seat cushion. For the ottoman I detached the top from the gliding parts (sorry no step by step pictures - it was end of nap time and I just wanted to get it done.) I laid the top on the fabric and cut it with about 2 inches on each side, enough to pull up and staple. I stapled it one long side, then the opposite side. Finally the short sides and folded the corner in all nice and neat to finish it off. Screw the top back on and its done!

I'm thinking I'm going to paint the wood, probably a dark brown/black. Kinda like that table. Although it photographs as black it is a dark brown color. 

Well I have some cleaning to catch up on now that the little guys is asleep so gotta run!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Dollar Store Skirt

Well I think I figured out why it's so hard to get projects done...

okay, so I already knew that, but seriously this kid is getting to be a mover. He has started walking pretty well over the last couple weeks. 

Well with the BYU fabric I got at Hancock, I made a simple highchair drop cloth. All I did was hem the edges, nice and simple. 

Mostly what I did this week was making a skirt out of a dollar store shirt. I found a 2XL men's shirt and followed a tutorial I found at My Blonde Ambition. I kinda had to do my own spin on it because my shirt wasn't as big as in the tutorial. I didn't quite have enough fabric to do the ruffle on the bottom (plus this shirt must have been a lot thinner than normal, the knit kept curling on itself - so annoying).

I decided to make the waist with a drawstring so it would be a little more secure.

So it turned out pretty good, although a little plain. I'll probably stencil something on it to add a little more pizazz. It's a nice casual skirt for those hot days we get here in Vegas and it only cost a dollar!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Holy Cow...

I'm so excited about my fabulous scores at the fabric store today!!! I was in Hancock Fabric on Monday, just checking it out since I hadn't been to anything other than Joann since moving to Las Vegas. I actually didn't even know it existed until last Saturday, but alas, my husband had our car all day for Youth Conference so I had to wait. While I was there on Monday, I got their sales flyer for their Blowout Sale. Then today I was out running a couple errands and figured I could work my way down there just to see what's on sale...

Within 2 minutes of me walking in I had at least 3 blots already in my basket! I really scored some great deals...

All this (and 2 zippers and a spool of thread) for only $20!!!

  If you have a little girl, now is the time to stock up on tulle - for tutus, princess dresses or those cute ruffle skirts I've seen around in blogland - its only $.49/yard! I snagged a little but I'm not sure what I'll use it for yet, probably some cute hair accessories for myself or presents...

Oh and the next biggest score was the BYU vinyl tablecloth fabric. Orignally $8.49/yard, I got it for $1.98/yard! Yippe!

So get yourself down to your local Hancock (or shop online) and have fun...and just as a side note the lady at the cutting counter was telling me she's heard that the price of cotton is going to double before long because of the floods in Pakistan, so stock up on cotton fabrics while its cheap!

I'm off to sew something! :D

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Finally I'm back!

Wow, I don't know where the time has gone. We did go out of town this weekend so that's part of why its been so long since I've crafted something. The other part has been sheer frustration. One thing I tried was a complete failure, I'm still trying to salvage it and see if it's something worth showing.

I was in Joann's a while ago getting some material for a purse we're going to make for our mother's group craft club and I saw this amazing snuggle flannel print that was too cute to pass up!

Once I had it though it was almost as if I didn't want to cut it up. Finally I found a small little project to use a bit for.

So you know how Carter's onesies sometimes have something cute on the bum? Well this was a white Carter's onesie and something inside me told me I needed to do the same, so...


So to make it I just cute out the little pictures from the fabric and sewed those on. Then I freezer paper stenciled the sayings on to the onesie. Just that simple!

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