Thursday, January 6, 2011

Gathered Clutch and Key Fob

Now that this Christmas gift has been delivered I can finally share this with you. I tried my hand at Noodlehead's Gathered Clutch tutorial. Mine turned out okay. It definitely didn't gather as cute as hers. The key for idea came from Prudent Baby. I didn't follow the directions exactly and I used a different hardware that I found at Joann's. I think I'll make another one of these, it was really easy and turned out pretty good.

I added two more spaces for cards than what her tutorial shows.

In other news, my husband and I are in the process of buying our first house!!! I've got a super long to-do list I need to get done, but I'm really excited about all the crafting opportunities it will give me. Stay tuned for more info to come...

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