
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Trash to Treasure Toy Cabinet Redo


Bright Blue Trash to Treasure Toy cabinet redo before and after2

First off I love free stuff! This house was EXTREEEEMLY dirty when we bought it, but the upside was the previous owner left a TON of stuff for us. Some of it trash, other stuff was trash waiting for someone to see it’s true potential (like this vinyl tablecloth turned Christmas tree skirt).

This cabinet was left in the garage with a stand up freezer with no door, a broken bookshelf, 2 ugly bed frames, and much much more.
Bright Blue Toy Cabinet Redo Before

anyone know what the holes would have been for?
Bright Blue Toy Cabinet Redo Before3

Anyway, I gave the whole cabinet a really good cleaning, lightly sanded it, took off the doors and hardware, and began priming.

I did two coats of primer. This is what I used, just what I had on hand.

Then I painted it a Cool Cobalt blue by Glidden. Last year some time I got a free quart of Glidden during a promotion and so I had that on hand as well. I did 2 coats of blue and left the inside white.

Bright Blue Toy Cabinet Redo After9

Bright Blue Toy Cabinet Redo After10

I decided to use it as a toy cabinet because it closes fairy tightly. I put the biggest offenders of playroom messiness in here. Things that Ben likes to pull off the bookshelf and scatter all over the place like the books, blocks, puzzles and their pieces. I’m hoping this will mean a neater playroom.

Bright Blue Toy Cabinet Redo After12

I’m so happy with how it turned out. I just need get new hardware, something really fun. Any ideas? In total the whole project cost a whopping $0! I told you I love free! Smile

Bright Blue Trash to Treasure Toy Cabinet Redo After

Hey, while I’ve got you here, I need your opinion. So you know those ugly bed frames I mentioned earlier? Tell me, is there anything crafty/creative that can be done with them or are they just headed to the dump?

2013-01-08 10.42.482013-01-08 10.42.55

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. The scrolly-ish frame on the bottom could be turned into the back of a bench. :)

  2. If you get some of that green foam stuff (the chair padding stuff they sell at craft stores?) you could cover up the metal and then upholster the headboard with fabric for a bed. Or just spray paint them a different color. Could put it up as a "fence" to a garden in the back, or make it into a garden bed.

    1. Great ideas! I love em. I have some serious thinking to do. :D

  3. The cabinet came out great. I love how you have the inside white. It looks so crisp and clean.

    1. Thanks Susan. I agree, the white really does make a difference. Thanks so much for coming by and commenting.

  4. I love the free project and the metal headboard. You could paint the headboard and use it for your bed, which I would love, or you could make it into a wall hanging, a pot rack, or add wood to it and make it into an etagere or bookcase.

    1. Great ideas!! I will probably paint the metal headboard, maybe use it in our guest room. Not sure yet. Thank you for the ideas!

  5. Wow, what a great rescue. Love storage solutions that are bright and cheery as well. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Becky. This color was definitely out of my safe zone, but I really love it! It makes the playroom so much brighter.

  6. Great job! Yes, that piece was pretty trashed. But you breathed new life into it!
    What software do you use for titling your photos? Love that, too!
    I'm visiting you today from Hepworth's. I hope you get a chance to stop by my blog and comment, too!
    ~ Megin of VMG206
    Tile Photo Coasters ~ Gift Idea

    1. Thanks, I use PicMonkey for editing and adding words to my photos. Love it! I loved your tile photo coasters, a great idea for mother's day!

  7. Nice! I'm coming over from Sew Much Ado. I like the toy chest. I've got just about every closed door storage option I can think of to control the mess! The blue is a really great colour as well.


    1. Having closed doors has really made a difference. I'm loving it! Thanks for stopping by, have a great weekend!

  8. This cabinet redo is so sweet! And I think the bed frame could be absolutely gorgeous painted either a really bold color in a high gloss, or chippy vintage. I'd be so pleased if you linked this project at Thrifty to Nifty Thursdays at A Jennuine Life.

    1. Thanks Jenn, I love the idea of the bed frame in a high gloss color. I added your party to my list and I'll be back on Thursday to link it up. Thank you for the invite!

  9. OK.....don't forget the garden......I used a old headboard in my garden....and the other one well well maybe on the shed, garage, fence.....kind of use it as interest.

    1. Great ideas, thank you! I like the idea of using it outside.

  10. I would love the metal headboard painted in a shiny black, then almost any color bedding would look good. Wish I could find things like this for my own home. Good job on the toy cabinet!!

    1. Thanks! We do need a bed in our guest room. Painted it could go very nicely there, thanks!

  11. Wow! This is a amazing transformation. ;o)

    1. Thank you Paula, it was a labor of love for sure. I'm not usually a patient one, but I made sure to wait a good long time between coats so it would turn out fantastic!

  12. The cabinet turned out great! I'm racking my brain trying to figure out its weird! Thanks for sharing at the Give Me The Goods Link Party! Http://

    1. Thanks Amber. I seriously can't figure it out either, what in the world would there be holes for?!?! Anyway, thanks for your comment and hosting each week!

  13. Hi! Loved, loved, loved this project so much! It will be featured on my blog tomorrow! Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof

    1. Thank you Jenna!! I'm so glad you liked it, definitely a labor of love and patience. It's perfect for the toyroom and I'm loving the color even though it was way outside my comfort zone.

  14. I love your project! Free is always great!! The bed may be nice refinished. The right person may be interested in it cleaned up and repainted. Just an idea!

    1. Thanks Sheena. I think that is the direction I'll go, just have to figure out a good color and maybe find some knobs for the tops.

  15. Very cute! I love the colour you chose:) Fixing up old pieces is one of my favourite things to do too. Great job on this one!

    1. Mine too! I've only just started in the last couple months, but I'm loving the transformation old pieces can have, Thanks for stopping by Krista!

  16. I'd like to invite you to my Friday Flash Blog, where you can share your best blog entry of the week! The party goes on ALL weekend at And who knows, you may just get featured next week.


    1. Thanks Jennifer. I hope you don't mind I linked up two posts, I just couldn't decide which I like better. hehe. I also added your party to my list and I'll be back next week too to link up. Thanks for the invite!

  17. Thanks so much for sharing this at the Say G'Day Saturday linky party! I am featuring it at my blog today!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

    1. Thank you Natasha! I'm honored to be featured, I grabbed your button and added it to this post too.

  18. FABulous upcycle! I really like the life that blue colour gives to an old cupboard!

    1. Thank you, I was so scared to use the blue. I usually play it safe when it comes to color, but I really love it too! Thanks for coming by!

  19. Great redo again and perfect for books and toys. Thanks tons for joining Inspire Me. You really do have a knack for seeing the potential in cast offs. Great job. Hugs, Marty

  20. Thanks Jennifer, I sure did. Great party! Thanks for hosting!

  21. Wow, what a transformation! Great job! Found you through the paint party, and i'm your newest follower!
    Therena @

    1. Thanks Therena and welcome! So glad to have you following along. Have a great weekend!

  22. The holes were there because it was a liqueur cabinet.

    1. Ah, so bottles would have gone in the holes? I thought maybe glasses, but wasn't quite sure. Thanks Maryann!
